Sandy Krayeski, Lori Pujol and Okinyi Ayungo

Sandy Krayeski, Lori Pujol and Okinyi Ayungo

Your FitnessWise Team

Our small Team holds dozens of certifications, a wealth of knowledge and 100+ years of combined experience we bring to every one-to-one session and class. We combine fitness with wellness and energy with caring, and we have been since 1992.

Our Team Approach
Our unique Team Client Approach means you gain the experience of more than just one fitness professional or personal trainer limited by his or her background. Our innovative Team Client Approach adds the combined knowledge and experience of our entire Team to your exercise program or class. You can achieve your goals, and we can help!

Our Team Experience
Our small, cohesive Team of personal fitness, mind-body, and group exercise professionals has unparalleled experience in a variety of private, corporate and governmental wellness, fitness and therapeutic settings. We are certified by various national organizations, including the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA), the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and American Fitness Professionals and Associates (AFPA). We have staff who have acheived high regard within our industry, including the top level of "Master Trainer" from IDEA, a leading association for fitness professionals. We are frequent writers, lecturers, presenters and experts on health and fitness, including for the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) and the American Heart Association. We have worked closely with researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to investigate the relationship between health and exercise, and we have published and presented articles for major medical associations. We have staff who have served as regional directors for national associations.

We are also proud of our volunteer work in the community, with children, teenagers and adults alike. Your FitnessWise Team is prepared to put not only our education and experience but also our energy and caring to help you improve your current health and fitness.